Saturday, 1 December 2012

November Doings for Small Blog Meet

Today I'm linking up with the Small Blog Meet hosted by Lynne at Lily's Quilts!
Lily's Quilts
This month has seen a fair amount done but only one true finish. Everything I've been doing though I want to finish by Christmas and the New Year. The lack of finishes has left me feeling a bit stuck in a constant go-go-go but getting nowhere mood.

A. is one of three bed runners in Amy Butler's Cameo, B. is the front of a baby's flannel quilt made from Savanna Bop by Thomas Knauer, C. is my first (and partially stuffed attempt) Beauregard bear, D. is a secret quilt, but the top is fully put together now, and E. is another secret, so I'm only showing a corner but it's a coffee cosy!
My long list of small things to make (this post) has been putting me off moving the furniture and spending an afternoon basting the five quilts. However, seeing them again in pictures is spurring me on to finish them. They'll be so pretty when they're done.

I think I'll try and blitz all the small projects between now and Wednesday (ignoring the knits, because the always take me longer) and then hopefully be at my leisure to quilt and bind the other 5 before Christmas. Then I can happily not feel guilty when I go out to meet friends or spend a whole evening watching movies and eating chocolate instead of sewing :)

That's the plan, anyway!


  1. Good luck finishing everything, I've given myself a day off housework to try to make a dint in the pile :D
    I love your little bear, he's so cute!

    1. Thank you! I hope the eventual giftee feels the same. Yes, I'm thinking some housework will definitely have to be ignored in favour of sewing - such hardship for us all :) x

  2. You have a plan. Good luck with the finishes. Five quilts to baste; you can do it!

  3. Good luck with your finishes - clearing WIPs always feels so good!

    1. I know, seeing the finished product AND crossing it off a list is bliss. Thank you for visiting!

  4. Lovely plan! It sounds like an awful lot of basting though, which I think is my least favorite step in the process. :) Good luck! I hope your plan works so that you can enjoy some down time.

    1. Me too, fingers crossed! And basting here involves moving furniture first, though that means I have to get it all done in the one few hours and they can't lay around for days... every cloud, and all that :)

  5. Replies
    1. :) awh, wow! I hope I do it justice in the quilting!

  6. Good luck with your finishes... I'm also planning for lots of work in the early part of the month so I can play later.

    1. Yep. Here's hoping it works out for us and we enjoy a lovely Christmas! x


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